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Monday, April 30, 2012


     By: skerrymalas
                 Once upon a time, there was a maiden with two stepsisters, and an evil stepmother. One day, while the maiden was cleaning the stairs, she heard a loud knock at the door. "Coming!" she yelled, impolitely. She opened the door, and there was a brod man standing at the door. "Give this to your mum," he said, then vanished out of thin air. The maiden rushed upstairs and barged into her stepmom's dressing room while her stepmother was getting dressed, so the closed her eyes and waited. When her stepmother was done, she opened her eyes and gave her the letter, bewildered.
                "Oh my! Oh my!" she yelled, practically jumping out of her socks. (She wasn't wearing socks; it's just a metaphor) "What?!" the maiden and her sisters yelled all at the same time. "The prince is having a ball tonight and has invited us to come!"
                 She asked her stepmother if she could go the night of the day of the ball, but of course, she replied with a stern look on her face saying the word, no. That night, while everyone was at the ball, she was awoken by a huge midget asking her various questions. "I could poof you there in a dress and slippers and everything," he paused," if you could guess my name," he said with a sly grin. She thought about it, and then started asking many names repeatedly. That night, many hours after the ball had been through, she heard the man yelling, "Rumpelstiltskin, Rumpelstiltskin!"
                 Turns out, she never even got to go to the ball due to her stupidity. She was dumb enough NOT to guess the name Rumpelstiltskin after she had had the chance right after she heard him on the porch yelling out his name. The man ended up calling her Cinderumpelstiltskin. She grew up far from happily ever after. (She wasn't so pretty, either.) The End.


$piritrosePlez said...

Dude that wasn't by you! That was from me, story stealer! XD

-ejaecourts- *justice maker* -crime solver- *spamming queen* said...

You told me to put it that way