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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I Hate Scammers..

Hey jammers......
WELL, now I have just been scammed of my Lit Palm Tree.
I am really, REALLY mad right now.
Oh, and this is the first time I've warned you of how many times I've been scammed.
Oh, and I'm NOT lying.
But, like in my last couple of posts, I said I'm not giving up, right?
Oh ya, and I don't lie.
So, I need rares.
And right now, I'm giving half my rares to Ghanty, my other Animal Jam.
So if I look "less rare" to you, that's why. Grrrrrr..
Okay, sorry.
Happy Jamming?

Scammed. Twice!

Hey, jammers....
As you can tell I'm NOT very happy.
I was just scammed. twice.
In ten minutes.
First, I was scammed of three rares by this guy:
THEN, I was scammed of my RED LOCKET by this guy:
I ended up deleting awesome.
Oh, and there was one more thing I forgot to tell you on Foxer.
On Foxer, I was hacked.
But, I never let it out to the world.
Just when I saw everybody getting overwhelmed when takis1 was hacked
once, Igot jealous but I still stood up for takis.
But sometimes, I just feel like nobody really cares about me anymore.
I'm not spilling out EVERY single piece of evidence, though.
*Thankfully lol*
Okay, also, I still think I'm a survivor.
In the harsh, harsh Animal Jam World, you know.
I've seen people quit over getting only maybe, 150 blog views A DAY.
And, I've seen people quit because they got scammed.
And, me and sometimes Ejaecourts and the people on this Blog,
well, basically,
EagleEye wouldn't have survived without us authors.
People are always depressed on Animal Jam, and it's just sad.
They need to have a good reason.
Like, people have been constantly bullying them and scamming them.
And by constantly, I mean twice every day.
THEN, I would understand.
But of course, I wouldn't let them quit.
I'm probably going to be one of the bloggers still standing, in 2 to 3 years.
LoveLost and Greatshot and Awesomecoolanimals quit!
(Believe me, I'm trying to stop them. BADLY.)
I just don't understand it.
Guys, we have to hold on to our sences.
If you aren't rare or popular or funny enough on AJ, you quit.
And once you reach your goal, you automatically set a new goal.
Once you can't reach that goal, you quit.
Now, one of my quotes I always say is:
"No matter how long you stand, you'll be relieved when you're done."
Well, and,
"Your only young once, but you can be immature forever."
Well, it IS one of my quotes. o3o
happy jamming.
I guess..
I'm just going to use that. o3o