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Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey jammers I will be posting way more often I just got back from karate and my friend left my dad made me exercise all day to help with karate endurance stamina stuff like that ok so first I walked home finished home took my bookbag home from my friends house stretched for running ran 2 miles with a ten second break dropped off my friend went home got ready for karate trained with my dad which in ky school would be a black belt but in the one he went to with20 some belts he was errand he did not go easy on me XD I was punched in the face anywho got my friend for karate ran home went to karate practiced my forms draws blocking and stances with boacan half staff short staff went home dropped friend off went back home went on aj for 5 minutes went off then posted this so you get the point bye jammers

Have any questions? Send me a message to or ask me a question ask ejaecourts page!


Tiggerkat said...

keep up the hard work! It will all pay off big time in a few years! And after you have mastered and received your black belt I could train you for your tiggerbelt if you'd like! BUT i will warn is very hard work!!

-ejaecourts- *justice maker* -crime solver- *spamming queen* said...

I only have 2 more belts to go