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Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Den Is On Epic Dens

Okay everyone guess what?  My den is on EPIC DENS!!  I was reorganizing my den when people started coming in and I was like what's going on.  I thought OMG AM I ON EPIC DENS?!?!?  I looked and there I was #6 Going down!  HOW AWESOME IS THAT!?!?!?  That chance is like one is a million!  Now you can check out my den for as long as it is up there!

Equal Rights Movement

When: June, 12, 2012
Time: 11:30am-4:00pm
Where: Jamaa Township
Animal You Need To Use: any animal it's your pick
Theme: your favorite animal look
Server: Flint

Acronym To Foxer


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I'm Going To Start Writing Acronym

Here is an example of an acronym made up by my friend:

Riddle 13

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, ''If I write you exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if i cannot, i will pay you $50.'' 

The boy looked around and saw no scale, so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll say just say he weighs more or less. 

In the end the boy ended up paying $50. How did the man win the bet?

Riddle 12

A woman shot her husband, washed it, put it to dry, and then they both had dinner, how is that possible?

Riddle 11

You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I'm dead, what am I?

Riddle 10

What is yours but other people use it more than you?

Riddle 9

I'm as big as an elephant, as heavy as an elephant, but I'm not an elephant, what am I?

Riddle 8

Where does a male lion go to buy his fur coat?

Riddle 7

Why shouldn't you grab a tiger by the tail?

Riddle 6

Which is a wolf's favorite celebration?

Riddle 5

Where did the tiger go when he lost his tail?

Riddle 4

What animal never tells the truth?

Riddle 3

What's full of holes but still holds water?

Contest 1

This contest is going to test your knowledge! And pretty random too... It's not really something you have to look for, you just have to use your mind to think.. It is a luck game.. Here it is.. You guys have to try to guess how many den items and clothing items i have ALL TOGETHER! Whoever comes to the closest answer wins! It starts from the moment you read this,you can guess twice and ONLY twice.. Whoever tries more then twice is disqualified.. The prize will be a mystery... But trust me its something good :D You have till April 29th to take two guesses... GOOD LUCK!

Poem: In Animal Jam Today

 In Animal Jam Today
By Eja Courts

What To Do, What To Do
Today In animal jam I don't know what to do.
I could go to the movies, or hang out with you!
I could swim in the waters of the great Crystal Sands!
Or Make an fruit smoothie, catch the grapes when it lands!
I could host a dance party, or serve a table for two.
But I'm just here, what to do, what to do!
There's so much to do, in so little time!
But what to do now is to think up a new rhyme!

Poem: Identity

By Eja Courts
"Let them be as flowers,
always watered, fed, guarded, admired,
but harnessed to a pot of dirt.
I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed,
clinging on cliffs, like an eagle
wind-wavering above high, jagged rocks.
To have broken through the surface of stone,
to live, to feel exposed to the madness
of the vast, eternal sky.
To be swayed by the breezes of an ancient sea,
carrying my soul, my seed, beyond the mountains of time
or into the abyss of the bizarre
I'd rather be unseen, and if
then shunned by everyone,
than to be a pleasant-smelling flower,
growing in clusters in the fertile valleys,
where they're praised, handled, and plucked
by greedy, human hands.
I'd rather smell of musty, green stench
than of sweet, fragrant lilac.
If I could stand alone, strong and free,
I'd rather be a tall, ugly weed."

Poem: We Are The Phantoms

We Are The Phantoms
 By Eja Courts
We are the phantoms, masters of discord
The giant phantom is our lord
The Day of the Phantoms is dedicated to us
A time for chaos, horror and distress

So beware, beware, animals of all kinds
For we will possess your minds
Our ghostly bodice, our eye of steel
If you think we have a heart, GET REAL

Our mere presence will curdle cream
We work together as a team
To destroy each and every one of you
So we can make you into a Jamaa stew

Mira, your founder, created us
Not on purpose, perhaps, but here we are nonetheless
Indeed, we’re alive and well, and plotting your demise
You may want to consider saying your final goodbyes

We will crush you all like bugs
And devour you like grubs
One by one, you all will fall
There is no one to help you, no one at all

Zios was the first, Mira will be next
And then, my friend, it’s you we’ll hex
For we are the phantoms, formed from tears
We are the source of all your fears

Poem: A Little Bit About Me

A Little Bit About Me
By Eja Courts
Playful, smart, nice, awesome
Friend of cinnamoncake, foxer222, mashedpots
Who loves kittens, nature and all animals
Loves the colors yellow, lime green and aqua
(note) Write a poem and send it to me at and it may be posted on my blog.

Poem: Horses

By Eja Courts
Horses have long
sleek manes,
Strong developed legs.
They are speedy and powerful.
They come in many colors
in black,
even chestnut.
horses are majestic creatures
I wish I could have one.

Poem: Ode To Drawing

Ode To Drawing
By Eja Courts
White page,
Filled with imagination.
We use it
To get out our anger,
Express yourself,
To imagine,
To build,
and to make dreams come true.
We use a pen,
A pencil,
and our mind.
We use it
for culture,
to amuse,
to understand,
and to read our emotions.
Why do we have it?
We don’t know.

Poem: A Leaf

A Leaf
By Eja Courts
A leaf
Falling from a tree,
Dancing from a tree,
It’s like a ballerina,
swaying with the music of the wind.
Now just laying their,
And rotting.
But sometimes it will grow,
Into a new leaf instead.

Poem: Cats And Dogs

Cats And Dogs
 By Eja Courts
Furry, smart
Sleeping, clawing, purring
Puma, Tiger, faithful, watchful
Barking, scratching, licking
Collie, Terrier

Poem: Nature

By Eja Courts
Nature is a peaceful place,
You can hear all sort of things like
The pitter patter of mice scurrying along,
to the bald eagles cawing in the sky,
you can hear almost any thing.
Yes nature is a tranquil
and peaceful place,
A place of wonders.
It’s like a going to heaven,
unless you get hurt.

Poem: I Don't Like Wars

I Don't Like Wars
By Eja Courts

I don’t like wars,
They’re dreadful!
But why?
Every time a war ends
Another one take its place
Every day
Hundreds of people die
each day, in wars!
How do we get caught in these wars.
Who even starts them?
Do you know?

Poem: You And Me

You And Me
By Eja Courts
You and me
Were meant to be.
You make my life full.
You make my life,
Smile with joy
If your dead,
Then I’m dead.
You are my flame
That lights my spirit…
You and me,
Were not meant to be.
You’re much different than me.
Your hair beautiful red,
Sparkles in the moonlight,
But mine just is dull and boring.
If you were my love,
I would be as cheerful as you are

Poem: My Childhood

My Childhood
By Eja Courts
It was like a bicycle going down hill
Never stopping
Until you hit the brakes.
Like an IPOD,
Going with the flow of the Music.
It was sneakers,
Caked in mud,
Waiting to be cleaned.
A kid in a car,
Itching to ride in the front seat.

Poem: I Took A Walk Yesturday

I Took A Walk Yesterday
 By Eja Courts
I took a walk yesterday
It was a good pace
I walked up into a tree
It was a fantastical place
Once I got up further
I saw five pythons
They were tiny
We were in the Amazons
I felt happy and joyful
They let me inside their dome
It was cozy and nice
They read me a poem and it was time for me to go home.

Playing In The Snow With Animalexpert9076